Large Footprint with a Local Heart
GreeMpower got our start in the industry by building large Commercial and Utility sized installations. We have even helped develop projects across the US, Europe and South America with over 1.1 GigaWatts of solar installed.
Our unrivaled project management skills are what have allowed our footprint to grow and flourish in California in recent years. Many of the business owners for whom we completed commercial projects enjoyed their experience so much that they asked us to build systems for their residences. We have installed solar in Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Malibu, Bel Air, Hollywood Hills, Calabasas, West Hollywood, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar, Coto de Caza, and Friendly Hills among other neighborhoods and began expanding our know-how to other residential customers.
The owners of these large commercial projects invest millions of dollars in their solar projects. Therefore, all the economics have to be thoroughly analyzed before initiation. The most important factor of this investment is the “payback period.” In other words, how long it will take the business to recover their investment. For this reason it is important to consider potential reasons for not achieving this payback period, such as the under performance of the solar system, which will force the customer to buy additional energy from the utility company.
A solar system is more than panels and inverters. There are many other factors including the initial design technology used to calculate system losses and irradiance factors that make a solar system more complex.
This is why GreeMpower understands a solar installation as a sum of all these factors. We utilize a consultative approach where education, knowledge and a long term relationship with our customers are the foundation to our success. We believe that our best customers are informed customers. For this reason we developed the Premium Protection Plan. This Plan insures that your system will produce the energy that was promised or reimburse you for the difference if the system under performs and even add additional panels to achieve the initial output, if necessary.
It can be difficult for customers to navigate their solar experience when there is a lack of solar education, misinformation and companies offering below-market prices only to be gone in a matter of months. These companies are only in business to make money while the industry is thriving and will be on to the next business as soon as solar no longer suits them. Offering below-market pricing is unsustainable and will spell trouble for their consumers’ systems and savings tomorrow. We receive calls on a weekly basis from distressed customers who have had systems installed within that last 5 years that are no longer functioning. They try to call their original installer but they either dodge the calls or are already out of business. This leaves them having to reach out to another company to fix their system, which doesn’t come cheap. Because of this, they are now paying money instead of saving money which is why they went solar to begin with.
We recommend choosing an experienced company who installs thousands of kW of solar every year. A company who will be there for you in the future.